Use this page for periodic updates on what we are doing, information on class projects, and to get to online reviews for tests and quizzes.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
How to write the osmosis lab report
Title (1 point)
-The Lab Report title should relate to what the lab is about
Introduction/Notes (3 points)
- Use complete sentences to define osmosis and diffusion and how water goes in and out of a cell.
Hypothesis (5 points)
-Use the hypothesis from Day 2 on the lab notes
-No personal pronouns – use the “if/then” form
-Do not give a reason why you think the egg will shrink or grow
Procedure (5)
-Include a materials list here
-Use bullet points to describe what to do each day
Data Table (5)
-Title on the Data Table
-Label with units of measurement
Observations (3)
-Describe how the egg appeared each day (see the adjective on your lab notes)
Conclusion (5)
-Did your egg shrink or grow?
-Was your hypothesis was right or wrong?
-Try to explain why the egg shrunk or grew from what you know about osmosis and diffusion.
Effort (5)
-Is it neat and easy to read? (It’s OK to word process)
-Spelling. Grammar, and Punctuation count!
Daily Notes (3)
-Attach your lab notes to the Lab Report
Total (35 points)
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Osmosis Lab
Saturday, September 11, 2010
School has started and we have a great group this year! We survived the wind and rain at the Outdoor Ed Day and the school routine is under way.
This week we will start studying the cell by learning the parts of the cell. We will use Model Magic to make cell models. Check out http://galaxygoo.org/ to see what we will be doing.
To see a sample of the Cell Model Key assigned Tuesday, September 14 go to;
You can also use the Quizlet link on the right (click on the picture of the cell) to study the vocabulary we will be learning in this unit.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Outdoor Education Day

Tuesday, August 10, 2010
2010 - 2011 Life Science
What you will be doing:
- This class looks at what it takes to be a living thing. This will include all the different types of living things, how they are put together, and how their parts work together to help them survive.
- Classes usually include a mix of lecture and notes, demonstrations, activities, labs, and dissections.
- YES! Dissections! You'll have to come to class to find out more.
- The first semester is divided into 5 units; cells, microscopic organisms, fungi, plants, and animals.
- The second half of the year includes 3 big units; genetics, evolution, and the human body. Our study of the human body focuses on the nervous, muscular, and skeletal systems.
Materials; A spiral notebook, colored pencils, and 2 pocket folder.
Tests and Quizzes: There is a test at the end of each unit and smaller quizzes during the unit, usually about one per week.
Monday, July 5, 2010
Language Resources
This page has a link to a translation page.
This page has information on the bugs that make you sick plus lots of other useful information.
Human Body
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Is it OK to copy?
Cut and Paste – Is it stealing?
Sound kind of harsh? It may be but it is also a good question you should ask when using the Internet to get material for a school project.
Whenever someone creates something on the web the person that creates the thing owns it until he/she sells it or gives it away. They are protected by laws called copyright laws. That literally means who can rightfully copy the thing.
Whenever you copy and paste anything from the Internet you should ask yourself if you have the right to copy it.
How do you find out if you have the right?
First, look for permission. It is usually clearly stated. Otherwise, look for parts of the site that mention Privacy or Terms of Use. There’s a lot of lawyer language here. Ask the teacher or librarian for help if you need.
What if you can’t find out?
If you can’t find permission you should assume you need to get it.
How do you get permission?
To get permission you have to ask either the person who created it or the publisher/web master who put it on the Internet. There will be a Contact Us link on the site. Please ask the teacher for help on getting permission.