
Welcome to the 7C Science web page at Fremont Middle School for the 2015-2016 school year. We will study a variety of science topics. Topics include: the atmosphere and weather, sound and light, cells, heredity, and how science asks and answers questions.

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Thursday, August 29, 2013

Drops of Water on a Penny lab report instructions

Title: What would you name this report?

Observations: Summarize what we saw in the very beginning when we watched what happened to the water drop when it landed on a flat surface.

Testable Question:
Mr. Saeger has a roll of new pennies. What is a testable question about drops on pennies of different ages?

A hypothesis is an answer to the testable question. Don't use personal pronouns. Don't try to explain why you think one type of penny will hold a different number of drops.

Independent Variable:
The independent variable is the thing you changed in the experiment. What was the independent variable?

Dependent Variable:
The dependent variable is what was affected by the independent variable and is usually what you measure. What was the dependent variable?

Variables to Control
Some of the ways you did the lab might have changed the number of drops the penny held. We listed several in your notes. List ten using bullet points

List materials.
Give step-by-step instructions so someone else could do the lab the same way you did.
Bullet points are OK.
There are 5 to 10 steps depending on how you write them.


Number of Drops (mean)
  Control group
Pennies > 13 years
Experimental group
New pennies

This is at least 3 complete sentences.
1.     What do the results show about how many drops fit on old and new pennies.
2.    Restate your hypothesis.
3.    Was your hypothesis right or wrong?
4.   Did you think of any other factors that might have affected your results while doing the experiment?

 Use complete sentences in all sections unless there are directions telling you bullet points are OK. All writing conventions count.



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