
Welcome to the 7C Science web page at Fremont Middle School for the 2015-2016 school year. We will study a variety of science topics. Topics include: the atmosphere and weather, sound and light, cells, heredity, and how science asks and answers questions.

Use this page for periodic updates on what we are doing, information on class projects, and to get to online reviews for tests and quizzes.

Posts from previous years are saved. They can give you an idea of what we do.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

The Osmosis Lab Report is due Monday, December 17. It is a 50 point project and may be word processed or had written. The Osmosis Lab Report template in the 7C Science folder on the Shared file has the section headings and table to use. The information you need to write the report is in the lab notes you recorded daily.

Here's what goes in the report:

Title (1 point)
- The title describes what the lab tested.

Introduction/Notes (3 points)
- Use complete sentences to define osmosis and diffusion. Explain how cells get the water they need to live.

Testable Question: (3points)
- One sentence that asks the question we will try to answer in the lab. (It should be part of your Day 2 lab notes)
Hypothesis (2 points)
- No personal pronouns
-Do not try to explain why

Independent Variable (2 points)
- This is what we did to the cell to see what happens

Dependent Variable (2 points)
-What happened to the cell because of the independent variable

Variables to Control (2 points)
- We noted 2 things that we needed to control because they might effect the dependent variable

Procedure (10 points)
- Include the materials list here
- Organize this section by Day. For example, list the materials used and what was done for Day 1 then Day 2 etc.
- Bullet points are OK

Data Table (5 points)
- Put a title on the table
- Label all numbers with the correct unit of measurement

Observations (5 points)
- Describe how the egg appeared
- Organize this section by the Day. (Day 1, Day 2, etc)

Conclusion (5 points)
- Use what you know about osmosis and diffusion to explain why the egg shrunk on Day 3 and grew on Day 4.
- State if your hypothesis was right or wrong

Effort (10 points)
- Is it neat and easy to read?
- Did you explain what happened and why we did the lab?
- Are the sections organized in a way that is easy to understand? For example, the results and observations sections go between the procedure and conclusion; not at the very beginning or end.
- Could someone read the report and do the same thing you did?
- Spelling, grammar, and punctuation count!

Daily Notes (3 points)
- Attach the daily lab notes to the back of the report

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Genetics Vocabulary

Click here to do the Quizlet review of Genetics vocabulary http://quizlet.com/4266770/genetics-i-flash-cards/

Monday, April 2, 2012

Genetics of Parenthood

Here's what should be in the Genetics of Parenthood Project booklet.
- A cover with the child's name, your name, and a symbol that characterizes the child.
- Portrait
- Traits chart
- Biography

The biography should include:
- An introduction with the child's name, age, etc.
- What does it like to do in its spare time?
- What values are most important to the child?
- Tell what it hopes to do as an adult...job, family, interests, where would it live?

Biography Writing Guidelines
- Conventions will be graded
- Make good transitions between paragraphs
- Write at least 3 paragraphs (1 introduction, 1 interests and values, 1 hopes as an adult)
- Each paragraph needs to be at least 3 sentences long.
- Hand written or word processed

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Cell Vocabulary Review

Click on the cell to go to Quizlet for the cell vocabulary review.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Force and Motion Vocabulary Review

Click here to do the Force and Motion Vocabulary review on Quizlet.
Force and Motion Vocabulary