
Welcome to the 7C Science web page at Fremont Middle School for the 2015-2016 school year. We will study a variety of science topics. Topics include: the atmosphere and weather, sound and light, cells, heredity, and how science asks and answers questions.

Use this page for periodic updates on what we are doing, information on class projects, and to get to online reviews for tests and quizzes.

Posts from previous years are saved. They can give you an idea of what we do.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Here's what goes in a lab report.

Title: A snapshot of what the experiment is about.
Observations/Questions: A short description of what you know about the problem you are investigating. Complete sentences.
Hypothesis: A prediction of how the test you are doing will turn out. It is not a question. No personal pronouns. Complete sentences.
Materials: A list of the items you need to do the experiment. Do not include common items that are used everyday. Bullet points.
Procedure: Describe how to do the experiment so someone else could read it and do the exact same thing. Identify the control group, experimental group, independent variable, and dependent variable. State what you did to control all other factors. Bullet points.
Results: Observations or measurements of what happened with the dependent variable. Depending on the experiment this may be a picture(s), table of numbers, graph, or written description of what happened.
Conclusion: This is where you tell what happened. Did the experimental group respond differently because of the independent variable? Mention how the results support the conclusion. State if the hypothesis was right or wrong. If necessary, mention if other factors may have changed the results. No personal pronouns. Complete sentences.

Other things that matter:
Effort (neatness), spelling and grammar count!
Most labs may be done as a Google Doc, Google Presentation or written report. They do not have to be typed.

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